18. Nastina, E., and Tormos, R. (accepted): “Culture Compensates for Weak Institutions: Determinants of Attitudes Toward Free-Riding Across the World”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology.
17. Akaliyski, P., and Tormos, R. (forthcoming): “Development, Institutions, and Identity: Reshaping Europe’s Post-Cold War Moral Landscape”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
16. Akaliyski, P., Taniguchi, N., Park, J., Gehrig, S., and Tormos, R. (2023): “Values in Crisis: Societal Value Change under Existential Insecurity”, Social Indicators Research.
15. Tormos, R., Rudnev, M., and Bartolomé, E. (2023): “Patterns of Change in Justifiability of Euthanasia across the OECD Countries”, Frontiers in Political Science.
14. Verge, T., and Tormos, R. (2023): "Shaping Support for Public Policies: Legitimacy Cues and Question Wording Effects in the Case of Gender Quotas", Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.
13. Rodon, T., and Tormos, R. (2023): "The Burden of a Violent Past. Formative Experiences of Repression and Support for Secession in Catalonia", British Journal of Political Science.
Winner of the IEA award to the best paper published in 2022, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Covered by: Europa Press, Vozpópuli, Diario Siglo XXI, El Confidencial Digital, Aftenposten,
12. Tormos, R., Fonseca, P., and Garcia-Alamino, J. M. (2022): “In-Person School Reopening and the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 During the Second Wave in Spain”, Frontiers in Public Health.
11. Tobías, A., García-Alamino, J.M., Fonseca, P., and Tormos, R. (2022): "The COVID-19 pandemic management strategies and the acute severe hepatitis outbreak of unknown origin in children", Clinical Infection in Practice.
10. Tormos, R., and Verge, T. (2022): "Challenging the Gender Gap in Political Interest: A By-Product of Survey Specification Error", Public Opinion Quarterly.
Covered by: Diari Ara, Recerca UPF.
9. Tormos, R. (2019): “Measuring Personal Economic Hardship and its Impact on Political Trust during the Great Recession”, Social Indicators Research 144 (3): 1209-1232.
8. Fonseca, P., and Tormos, R. (2018): "Using the R Language to Manage and Show Statistical Information in the Cloud", Technologies 6(4): 113.
7. Tormos, R. (2018): “Question-Order Effects in the Evaluation of Political Institutions in Decentralized Polities”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research 31 (3): 66-81.
6. Zavala, D., Tormos, R., Revilla, M. and Weber, W. (2018): “Designing Response Scales with Multi-Trait Multi-Method Experiments”, Mathematical Population Studies 25 (2): 66-81.
5. Dobewall, H., Tormos, R. and Vauclair, C-M. (2017): “Normative Value Change Across the Human Life Cycle. An Examination of Cultural Differences in Age and Cohort Effects”, Journal of Adult Development 24 (4): 263-276.
4. Tormos, R., Vauclair, C-M., and Dobewall, H. (2017): “Does Contextual Change Affect Basic Human Values? A Dynamic Comparative Multilevel Analysis across 32 European Countries”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 48 (4): 490-510.
3. Muñoz, J. and Tormos, R. (2015): "Economic Expectations and Support for Secession in Catalonia: Between Causality and Rationalization", European Political Science Review 7 (2): 315-341.
Covered by: Democratic Audit UK, LSE’s blog, ZoomPolítico Fund. Alternativas, El País, Diari Ara, El Guaita.
2. Tormos, R. (2012): "Postmaterialist Values and Adult Political Learning. Intracohort Value Change in Western Europe", Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 140 (1): 89-120.
1. Verge, T., and Tormos, R. (2012): “The Persistence of Gender Differences in Political Interest”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 138 (1): 89-108.
3. Tormos, R. (2019): The Rhythm of Modernization. How Values Change over Time. Leiden & Boston, Brill Academic Publishers.
In The Rhythm of Modernization, Raül Tormos analyses the pace at which belief systems change across the developed world during the modernization process. It is often assumed that value change follows the slow rhythm of generational replacement. This book, however, reports trends that contradict this assumption in the field of values. Challenging Inglehart’s modernization theory, the transition from traditional to modern values happens much quicker than predicted. Many “baby-boomers” who were church-going, morally conservative materialists when they were young, become unchurched and morally tolerant postmaterialists in their later years. Using surveys from multiple countries over many years, and applying cutting-edge statistical techniques, this book shows how citizens quickly adapt their belief systems to new circumstances throughout their lives.
2. Tormos, R. (2021): Els valors dels catalans. Àmbits, perfils i perspectiva comparada. Monografia nº 10 del Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona.
Covered by: La Vanguardia.
1. Tormos, R (2005): La influència de l’edat en el comportament electoral a Catalunya. Cicle vital o generació? Col·lecció Estudis núm. 19, Observatori Català de la Joventut – Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona.
4. Tormos, R., and Rodon, T. (forthcoming): “Openness to Secession. An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Support for Secession in Catalonia, 1991-2019”, in A. Gagnon and L. Turgeon eds. Generations and Nationalism. Routledge.
3. Rodon, T., and Tormos, R. (2023): “New Politics and Postmaterialism”, in M. Grasso and M. Giugni eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
2. Tormos, R., Fonseca, P., and García-Alamino, J.M. (2023): "In-Person School Reopening and the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 During the Second Wave in Spain", Magal, P., Demongeot, J., and Longe, O. B. eds. Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Infection and Transmission Dynamics of Viral Disesases. Frontiers | Research Topics.
1. Anduiza, E., and Tormos, R. (2022): “Survey Data and Methods for the Study of Political Participation”, in M. Grasso and M. Giugni eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.